
Level 1 

Your baby can start their infant swim lessons as early as 1 month old. Baby swimming lessons taught via one-on-

one private swim lessons are a great way for your child to get accustomed to the water in a safe and comfortable
environment. MUE baby swimming lessons provide you with a fun and secure way to help your baby learn to swim.


宝贝一个月大的时候 , 就可以参加沐懿的水中体验咯 ! 我们的婴儿游泳都是一对一服务 , 我们会帮助宝贝在安全和舒适的环境中 , 更快更好的习惯水中的环境。宝贝会发现 , 游泳不仅是安全的 , 更是充满乐趣的 !

Level 2

MUE private swimming lessons for toddlers tots and kids are geared for students ages 6 months to 3 years old. In this
level, lessons provide water orientation and safety activities in a fun learning environment, and incorporate songs and
games to engage and interact with your toddler in the water.


这个阶段涵盖 6 个月到 3 周岁的孩子 , 对孩子进行渐进的水性锻炼和练习得以提升。学习过程中 , 会有各种音乐来营造更好的氛围 , 老师在这个环境下 , 通过各种有趣的游戏和活动 , 来引导孩子积极地主动参与。

Level 3 

MUE’s private preschool swimming lessons allow young children to further develop their swimming skills one-on-one

with their MUE private swim instructor. This level is geared towards preschool swimming lessons for children ages 3 to
6 years and gradually introduce learn-to-swim and water safety skills in an age-appropriate learning environ- ment.


这个阶段是为了帮助 3-6 周岁的孩子提升他们的整体水平 , 通过难度更大的挑战 , 让孩子更好的掌握技巧的同时学会水中安全技能 , 成为一个真正的“勇者”。




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